If you also have habit of using socialmedia platforms like whatsapp at late night,like me! then I'm definitely sure that you were irritated of seeing light background of WhatsApp at night.

Then there is a good news which is good update of WhatsApp that we were waiting since last year. 

since 2018 the DARK MODE is being so popular in many sites and apps wordwide.You will find that dark mode every popular finally whatsapp was also working on dark mode and now finally they launched a update of "DARK MODE" for both popular platforms: - in Google playstore for android and Appstore for IOS.

so, lets know how to enable darkmode:-

first of all, Download and install the update of Whatapp to the latest version from your trusted site.

Then open whatapp and click on upper right corner having 3 dots. as in image below.

Now open settings
then select Chats.

then select Theme 

Now all done, your night's problem is now solved, this theme not all black but as required dark like deep grey.

That's all,i was just chilling and created this small post, as I'm preparing for my board exam whenever i take a break i used to watch youtube and creating these small posts for you.
whatever ,thanks for reading my silly posts😅😊