hey, guys since few weeks I haven't posted because my board exams are near so am busy these days. and I found a new mod of the youtube app on android.

We watch videos on websites or on apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, etc. but the most used website for watching videos is YouTube. YouTube is the most popular website for watching videos. Millions and billions of people watch it every sec.☺️

The problem when we use normal youtube is that those irritating advertisements showed when we were enjoying any videos and unexpectedly silly ads were popups. so if we use vanced YouTube will never see any ads😊 .

also, we cannot play background music or video on YouTube. So, to overcome this problem some people had developed and modified a really cool version of YouTube.

 This application named YouTube Vanced has been launched so that we can watch any YouTube video without any disturbance and advertisement.

we must have root permission on android for login google id.

if we want to use this app in non-rooted android. one issue is that we have to install microg apk for login because youtube vanced is an unofficial version of YouTube that was created by some smart developers.

 If you are a non-rooted user, want to login to your Gmail account in YouTube Vanced APK, you need to install MicroG APK too.

 We can play music or video in the background in this application. This is a very useful application as it reduces our time of watching advertisements in the video.

even we can play videos floating in the background, by the picture in picture mode we can play any youtube videos using any other application 🤗.

YouTube Vanced has many amazing features that will not ever available on the original application of YouTube.

The main advantage of using this application is that we do not have to stick on the website to watch the video, we can simply play music and just go back to do the rest of our work by exiting the application. The music will not stop in the background we can control media by notification panel.

YouTube Vanced is developed by the members of the XDA Developers team. Whenever original youtube app updates are available then this vanced youtube update will also available.

there are many Themes available for youtube vanced, you can simply use any theme apk you like.

Various themes can be selected from the Vanced settings. Theme color consists of White, Black or Dark. You can select the color as per your choice.
Override Maximum Resolution.

Video Repeat in Repeat mode can be selected. After selecting this option, the video will be played again automatically.

You can download VANCED YOUTUBE APK :-  HERE

you will find microg apk at that site and you have to choose which theme you want to be on youtube vanced in the given link.

that's all guys, BTW today means 26 JAN "REPUBLIC DAY" is celebrated in INDIA🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 .bcz on this day INDIA officially came into force and becoming an independent republic. so, wish you a happy republic day to my visitors🤗.